I chose this selection of images (taken form google, Sixth Sense and Alton Towers Thirteen advert) because there are some similar effects and conventions that I would like to use. For example, I want to set the location in a forest which looks dark and isolated. I like how the images of the forests in black and white and also with a blue filter highlight the sinister atmosphere. I also want to use close ups of people's faces and facial expressions, like the eye shown on the left. These help embolden the fear we receive from characters which make the audience imagine being in their position and how terrifying it would be. I also wish to use the convention of low key lighting as after looking at conventions of horror and looking at a variety trailers, they all consist of darkness, which adds to the tense mood. I would also like to see if I could use a filter over the top when I experiment with editing as it creates a more sinister atmosphere. My key element for my trailer is all about atmosphere. As long as I create a mysterious atmosphere in both imagery and with several other conventions (such as additional sound effects) then I believe my trailer will be very effective.