For my teaser trailer I was inspired by a television advert promoting a ride at Alton Towers. The advert (shown below) contains a menacing atmosphere which includes a lot of low key lighting and a powerful soundtrack which helps accentuate the frightening atmosphere. It also looks as if a blue/grey filter has been used over the top which adds to the atmosphere. The advert constitutes a lot of close ups and extreme close ups to become more dramatic. The trailer concentrates on a young ghost girl which cuts to show very short snippets of the ride and then back to the girl. She is singing the famous nursery rhyme of 'If you go down to the woods today.' This fits together as the location is set in an abandoned forest. These are the key reasons for my inspiration. I have created a storyboard (shown above) where I have used similar techniques as the trailer. For example I would like to use to use the popular nursery rhyme 'Ring O Ring Of Roses' although I would like to use three girls instead of one as it is well known that you dance in a circle and by using one person, wouldn't connect with the song and theme. I am going to use three younger girls than the girl in this advert to emphasise that children are supposed to be innocent, however these girls are the opposite of cute, angelic girls. I would like to dress them in white or