Wednesday 23 March 2011

Further Editing and Improvements

I have now made several amendments to my teaser trailer. Below shows the next sequence which is getting closer towards my final piece. After receiving my audience feedback I have now made some of my clips shorter to help the trailer flow and encourage the audience to stay focused. I have also changed the fonts on the inter-titles as after showing it to another person in my target audience group mentioned the font reminded them of the Flintstones text, which didn't relate to the horror genre so I have changed them to a suitable font which fits the genre.

My first original font for my title is the font named 'cracked' (shown below) I had it coloured in red to connotate blood, death and danger. I also used the transition effect which introduces a letter at each time, although my audience thought it wasn't very eye catching and didn't grab their attention.

I then changed it to white and blue 'cracked' font which came in the shot a lot more speedy to grab the audience (which is shown below) However, the same group still thought it didn't fit with the trailer.

One of my audiences suggested that I went for a more simple font. when I created another set of inter-titles with a 'Papyrus' font they said they believed this was a much stronger font which grabbed their attention, so I included this in my next draft shown below

In my audience feedback I also discovered that sound effects was a key issue as this is what the audience believed to trailers to the next level and enhanced the atmosphere in film across all genres. I added loud crashes and heavy breathing to help emphasise this which i believe made the trailer a lot more enjoyable to view. Below shows my final cut based on the shots and sound effects.