Monday, 14 February 2011

Permission for Soundtrack

I discovered some music off of YouTube which I thought would fit perfectly for my teaser trailer. I then sent them a message to both people (which is previewed above) to ask for their permission to use their soundtrack for my trailer. The image below shows the email from 'FuelFrHatred' who were pleased to let me use the music in my project.

The music from 'Frigg567' said that they did not have the right to be able to give me there permission as it wasn't their music. However, they directed me to the website of the band where I then emailed them for their permission although I was a little concerned as they stated on the site 'Unfortunately we cannot reply to everyone and sorry for any inconveniences. 

However, they emailed me back giving me permission as long as I stated the music in my credits, which is shown in the screen shot below.