Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Ancillary Task Two - Film Poster Production

Ancillary Task One - Magazine Front Cover

Adding a Filter on top of my Teaser Trailer

When showing my teaser trailer to another group of 20 people they suggested I added a filter on top of my trailer if I wanted to enhance the spooky and sinister atmosphere. I then began looking at tutorials on Youtube of how to add filters as I didn't know how to do this. I first added a sepia filter, which I found that you just had to highlight all clips and then add the filter over the top.

This was the result of my film with a sepia filter

I also tried using a black and white filter which looks like this

I then had 8 people view the trailers with both filters and all of them said they prefer it in black and white, rather than sepia or realistic colour. I therefore kept my trailer in black and white which I also believe looks more professional and emboldens the sinister atmosphere.